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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Friends : Your secrets' bank

Party!!! Perhaps, the most common word among friends and the most expensive as well,lol!!!
Friends are those precious gems who can endeavour whole heartedly to gift you a single moment of joy and also sometimes friends are those unwanted species who can make you endeavour to write their assignments whether willingly or unwillingly :) :( . They are your master whom you have to follow through thick and thin though, you are permitted to throw some beutiful slangs on them but you can't save yourself, he he he!!!
I would like to designate them as an SBA.No, its not Saving Bank Account but Secrets' Bank Account.Whether to comment on teacher/senior or to steal a lunch of anyone, this account keeps on saving your incredible secrets.Moreover, they don't even let anyone know about their virtual bhabhi, even not to your love itself. But beware!!! don't try to be smart among friends because they know you more than you.
Your friends may include someone like a gentle poetry which you may go through and ofcourse,find a commendable source of inspiration. There may be a tough and little taciturn but sensible don among your friends whose views are always considerable.Such friends often save you from rushing at eleventh hour because they believe on punctuality rahther than reality.
But what can you do, if you find a chatterbox as a leaf of your friendship's flower. Moreover, if this flippant is unpredictable, funny and slacker like you, how can puctuality be your counterpart ? But they can teach you the importance of being playful. Imagine, if there is someone as sweet as raindrops ans as tranquil as smile, you can proud on yourself to be a star among such stars.
There are some beloved partners of your life whom you never want to move away from though to chop-chop, trying to be master of everything, little absurdity and full of emotions are cmmon features of such immenorial partners but there fidelity is really uncomparable. Also, don't forget to offer a whole heartedly thanks and just as a tribute of being a proud group member, one of your friend might be writing an article like this.....:)
Consequently, friends are those pain killers who neutralize your sorrows, such teachers who teach you about life, such flights whose journey is from classrooms to personal cabins, such memories which touch your heart and move into the depth of emotions. Really, fortunate is one who got a friend, and very fortunate is one who got many friends....:) :) :)